Surgical Instruments and Central Sterile Supply
Department Lead: Revital Katzenelbogen
General and specific surgical instrument for O.R and clinics.
Surgical Instruments for general surgery, orthopedic, cardiovascular, gynecological, spinal, urological, proctologic, maxillofacial (dental) and ophthalmological surgery.
Sterile technology – Containers and baskets, including accessories for organization and fixation instruments.
Products for ophthalmology procedures:
- Reuse and single use Surgical Instruments
- Contingency Sets (Glaucoma, Cataract and more) and Storage case.
- Reuse and single use Lenses.
- Barron- Punches and Trephines
- Plugs- Dry eye solution
- Biologics- Tutoplast
Detergents for cleaning instruments and related accessories – mainly for central sterile supply. In addition, cleaning accessories for flexible endoscopes, substance dilution machines.
Ultrasonic devices for instruments cleaning.
Automatic hand sanitizing devices.